Monday, October 01, 2007

I've Got A Stomach Virus And A Urinary Track Infection! Isn't That Hysterical?

. . . At least it is for Tate!

During my post-Cowboy game celebratory activities yesterday afternoon (by the way, after a talk with a friend of mine today I've discovered that I have a new found man-crush on Tony Romo!) I noticed my stomach making some not-so-funny noises. The next thing I knew I was yukkin' up my lungs in the bathroom!

Apparently it's all fun and games for Tate because every time he heard me ralph from the other room he would squeal and laugh out loud! Pretty darn funny isn't it, little guy!

What do I have to do for a little sympathy around here? Sheesh!

I'm feeling a little better thanks to a cocktail of assorted 8-syllable prescription medications. I'm also hoping that taking in tonight's game of Patriots v Bengals will help a little as well.

And, no, there is nothing that could happen tonight that would make me have a man crush on Tom Brady!


Jody said...

I'm trying to temper my excitement about the Cowboys....but man it's fun to see them playing well again. Hope you feel better soon. Be Good!

Wade said...

Temper? Why temper? No tempering! Un-tempered, unbridled excitement only!

Drink the cool-aid, Jody! The Cowboys are back and Tony's your man!

mdlg said...

Were those medications prescribed or were they "samples" that you carry around? I finally ate some regular food tonight - my stomach grumbled a little bit, but nothing has come out either I'm thinking it's a go for work tomorrow. We'll see how I do. I'm sending good thoughts your way so that you and Tate get better.

See-Dub said...

Your ailment would've fit my post-game mood Saturday after my Horns lost. Yuck! K State? Again?

Romo-mania has certainly swept my house! Love the guy! I'm drinkin' the blue Koolaid big-time, and the 'Boys are helping to dry my burnt-orange tears.

Hope you're feeling better!

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Apparently it's all fun and games for Tate because every time he heard me ralph from the other room he would squeal and laugh out loud! Pretty darn funny isn't, little guy!

Lol. The Cowboys are looking like a contender. I have never been a huge NFL fan, but when I was younger I was a moderate fan of the 49ers and Skins, before the Cowboys were really good, again. I am sure you are really impressed. Wade, the Cowboys have been a top notch organization, if I ever get down there I hope someone takes me to a game. I saw SF@AZ in 2002 when I visted my brother and it was good. I do like the Patriots.

I would like to see the Cowboys play the BC Lions is an exibition game. I am sure you are impressed again Wade.



Casdok said...

Hope your feeling better!

Wade said...

Hey mdlg,

Since my product is only useful for people with sleeping disorders, unfortunately there's little benefit to taking my own samples!

The only thing I had to eat yesterday was half a Chick-Fil-A sandwich for lunch and a PB sandwich for dinner. I kept it all down despite it not tasting very good!

Glad you're feeling better!

Hey See-dub,

Ha! What's the deal with K State? Let me know if you need any anti-vomiting medication - I've got plenty to go around!

Hey Russ,

It's funny you should mention the BC Lions because there has been discussion about how to expand the NFL to give it more international appeal. One idea what to play a couple of pre-season games in Canada.

Unfortunately what is more likely is a regular season game played internationally. I don't like the idea because the extended travel and jet lag in the middle of an already busy regular season schedule will lead to poor play and perhaps more injuries.

I like the international preseason game since it would give us a little exposure to the CFL but without the game having any type of post-season significance.

If you want to see a Cowboy game then start saving up your money for 2009 when our new Cowboy stadium opens. "Jerry World" is supposed to be quite a sight!

Hey Casdok,

Thanks! I already do!

Thanks all for stopping by,


Jennifer said...

Sorry you are sick. HOpe you feel better soon!

laura said...

You're so right... there's nothing funny about puking, but if there was one funny thing about morning sickness for me in this house, it was Nathan. After I would get sick and leave the bathroom, it was almost certain that within a few minutes you would see Nathan head to the bathroom, assume the position over the potty, and pretend gag over and over again. It was so not funny, and so so funny all at the same time!

Wade said...

Hey J,

Thanks, I think I'll be back at work tomorrow . . . and Kelly is probably just as happy about that as I am!

Hey L,

That is one of the funniest things I've ever heard! Kids mimick life as they see it, don't they?

Kelly told me how hard it was not to laugh when Tate would start laughing. I can only imagine how laughing at Nathan would only encourage him!

Great story!