Saturday, July 29, 2006

20 Random Things I Love About My Wife!

1. She tolerates my cycling – (See Ever Heard of Road Rash?)

2. She’ll ask me really cute questions like, “Wade, can you explain World War II to me one more time?”

3. She’s good at helping me keep an appropriate self-perception of myself
– I recently spoke during our Sunday night service and our worship leader told everyone that after the next song, “we will all be illuminated by the ‘Great Wade’!” Just as I was thinking that I liked the sound of ‘Great Wade’, Kelly leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Don’t let that go to your head!”

4. Her lasagna is still my favorite.

5. I also love her iced cookies (which she doesn’t make often enough).

6. Even though she knows I will say ‘no’, she always asks if I need help working in the yard.

7. She ran a freggin’ marathon!

8. This one may sound weird but I love that fact that other people love my wife too.

9. She loves to travel – if it weren’t for her then I’d probably never leave Fort Worth.

10. She’s a great decorator – I admit I was worried about how the kitchen would turn out but I think it has come to be my favorite part of our house. She was also right about my office.

11. She gets really excited about gift wrap and greeting cards – She puts just as much thought into how she’s going to wrap a present as she does in actually picking it out!

12. I love watching her open presents on Christmas morning – She’s like a little kid!

13. Hallmark commercials and Celine Dion concerts make her cry – And NO! I did not cry at the Celine Dion concert!

14. The feeling I get when she hugs me first thing in the morning – Work Schmirk!

15. She watches Cowboy and Maverick games with me – Kelly actually has some great hot sports opinions!

16. She’s a great Sunday School teacher.

17. She’ll scratch my back during church even though she’d rather not.

18. She knows me like a book
- and for some reason still loves me.

19. The way she keeps going into the baby room closet to look at baby clothes - her favorite are the pajamas with little monkeys on it.

20. And last but certainly not least: She’s carrying our child - what’s not to love about that?


Anonymous said...

I'm thankful my sister has such a sweet hubbie! We're glad you are in our family Wade.

Wade said...

Hey thanks, Shannon!

You saying that means a lot to me particularly since I still feel a little bad about my "wolf ears" comment. Which by the way, Kelly effectively made feel guilty about all over again just the other night. Which, surprisingly, her ability to do stuff like that didn't make my list of random things I love about her. She was just sticking up for her sister!

Having said that, you know that Mallory and I have something special since I'm the only one in North Texas who can calm her down and get her to sleep! Ooooo! Ricky Papa ain't gonna like me saying that! But let's face it - Mallory loves her crazy Uncle Wade! I do feel bad though!

When I think about it - I'd rather have wolf ears than a wolf nose like mine!

Thanks for stopping by,


Kelly said...

I agree Shannon. He is a good addition to our crazy family. :) Thanks Wade...I love you!

Anonymous said...

I told you, we weren't offended by the wolf ears comment. We have called Mallory a werewolf since she was born. Brad keeps saying it is thinning out, but I'm not so sure. Poor girl!

Anonymous said...

any pics?

Anonymous said...

Nice Wade, you sound like a sweet guy. One question though, you said you like the way other people like your wife too? Do you guys swing? Any pics of the two of you? Sorry if I have misunderstood, just sounded that way and we would be interested. We live in Australia though, but there is always web cam.....