Friday, July 18, 2008

I Need A New Internet Toy Like I Need A New Addiction!

. . . and I don't need a new addiction!

Kelly got me sucked into Facebook recently.  It all started when she opened a Facebook account for herself and spent the next 2 days yelling, "I've got a new friend!" from behind the computer - curiousity got the best of me!

Just as Eve handed Adam the apple, so Kelly handed me Facebook.  And just like Adam, I took a big ol' honkin' bite!

(And, yes, I am comparing Facebook to the Fall of Man!)

Want a new drug?  Try my Facebook page!

(Yeah, I know.  Shameless plug.)


Audra Laney said...

I agree. It will suck you in! I've had it for several years now, but I remember when Andrew and I first signed up we could spend hours on there stalking people we used to know!

Anonymous said...

I am slowly building up a small number of female Facebook friends that I do not know personally, and that I do not know through another person, even an on-line friend. Some of these are married and I hope like my blogs.

One guy asked me to be his friend and then put me on a best Dad list for a joke. I Facebook 'axed' him and told him the joke was over


Anonymous said...

That is the second time I have had the end of sentence cut off on here. Oh well.:) Thanks, Blogger.

Thanks, Wade

Hermes said...

OK, but as long as we're making the comparison,is it all her fault? I mean, do we need to mire ourselves in all that "orignal sin" stuff? Or will you accept some of the responsibility? I can't find it in me to blame Eve more than Adam, shouldn't we all shouder the burden for crackbook?

Kelly said...

Thank you Get Off My Lawn. :)

Phillips Family said...

Facebook is going to be my new excuse as to why my house is not clean

Wade said...

Hey Audra,

Glad you got in all those Facebook hours before Drew arrived. Now you'll only have Facebook minutes!

Hey Russ,

I think I knew where you were going before Blogger cut you off (Bad Blogger!).

And for that very reason, I'm going to keep Facebook strictly to people I know personally (or know really well via Blogs). Although you have plenty of control, it seems as though there is much more personal info floating around on Facebook.

Hey Lawn,

Who's side are you on anyway??? :)

Believe me, I boldly point my finger at Adam everytime I bend over to pull up a weed in my front yard. I would much prefer the Garden of Eden way of keeping a green thumb. But I've always wondered why Satan thought to first tempt Eve instead of Adam.

Just a question! Just an honest question!!

Hey L,

Ooooooo, what a great idea! Blame Facebook for chores left undone! Brilliant!

Thanks all for stopping by,