Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"I Watch Monster Trucks!"

I had the opportunity to take Tate to his first monster truck rally last Friday.

(OK, it was a first for me, too!)

There are plenty of things I could say (ie: jokes) about my fellow audience members but I'll just leave that alone and instead simply ask . . . is it really necessary to sing both the National Anthem as well as Lee Greenwood's I'm Proud To Be An American?

The funny thing was how most of the crowd sang Lee Greenwood's song with more passion than they did the National Anthem. Don't get me wrong - I bleed red, white and blue with the rest of them - but do we really need to fight through a cassette recording-fed-through-the-PA-system-version of that song just so that we can prove to the terrorists that nothing is going to stop us from using gawdy monster trucks to crush poor, helpless junk cars from the 70's & 80's?

But I digress! Now on to the good stuff . . .

Here's video of Tate not quite for sure what to think of the ear-splitting monster trucks popping wheelies over junk cars. He eventually relaxed and enjoyed himself - so much that ever since last Friday night, all Kelly and I have heard him say is, "I watch monster trucks!"

1 comment:

Patty P said...

Yeah, Tate seems a little underwhelmed in that video clip! But hey, good for you for taking him to a monster truck rally ... I am having such a hard time imagining YOU there! Believe it or not, my boys have never been to one ... I won't tell Dewaine you got your son to one before him!