You know those moments when you're trying to help your wife out the door for her Girls' Night Out while at the same time trying to keep your impatiently hungry two-year old from knawing on the floorboards?
Well, add to that your friendly neighborhood Missionary-Mormon-On-A-Bicycle standing at your front door!
Umph! I've got nothing against these guys - honestly, I actually admire the way they proactively speak about their faith and practice evangelism. I just wish they wouldn't proactively speak and evangelize when I'm having one of those moments.
Then again, I'm the knucklehead who answered the door!
Me: [failed smile] . . . Hi . . .
(The first thing I noticed was that he looked like he was about to have a heat stroke - but what else should you expect when you wear a tie and black pants when it's four thousand degrees outside!)
Mr. Mormon: Hi, my name is [can't remember] and I'm spending time in your neighborhood asking folks like you what you think about your salvation.
Me: . . . . uh . . . . .
(Why am I always at a loss of words when I'm put on the spot like this?!?!?!)
[Enter Tate from Stage Right. He obviously assumed he was allowed to use his outside voice simply because the front door was open. It was all I could do to keep Tate from bolting out the open door and taking off down the street.]
Mr. Mormon: . . . . uh . . . . .
(I love watching 20-year olds struggle to hold a conversation with my 2-year old!)
Mr. Mormon: . . . . um, as I was saying, have you considered a relationship with Jesus Christ?
(Dang! This guy is good!)
Me: [I go into a 2-minute rambling explanation about he need not worry because we were Christians. I somehow ended with the hardly-convincing phrase, "So, we're all good!" Yeah, that'll convince him!]
Tate: I WAKE UP!!!
(Apparently Tate wanted to address any confusion as to his status following his afternoon nap.)
Mr. Mormon: [failed smile] . . . I can see that!
(Apparently the Church of Latter Day Saints failed to prepare him on what to do when a 2-year old keeps interrupting his Come-to-Jesus Moment!)
Mr. Mormon: So, how has your relationship with Christ played a role in your family?
Me: C'mon, man! (Yeah, I actually said "C'mon, man!") My wife and I are following God's plan in our marriage and in our family. I apprecaite that you've stopped by - have a nice day!
[And with that, Mr. Mormon was thoroughly confused!]
From now on, I think I'm just going to let Tate handle all the conversations about my salvation.
Bring on the Hira Krishnas!!
You are kind of right about the commitment.
Did you know that the Mormons in the US also teach their young people to speak nearly perfect German and then send them over for a missionary year?
Actually it more than often put me to shame, that I can't see half the dedication in my life :-(
Other than that: well done Tate. And about the Mormon: he should have offered babysitting, maybe he would have got you with that?!?
Check out the YouTube video at my blog: don't you want to start making a song about your airline experiences, too?
Have a good weekend all three of you!
'Me: C'mon, man! (Yeah, I actually said "C'mon, man!") My wife and I are following God's plan in our marriage and in our family. I appreciate that you've stopped by - have a nice day!'
Lol, not their god's plan. I think you are like me in the sense that you are a nice guy asking God for guidance, but basically do not take a lot of crap. I have had to develop this dealing with certain people on and offline and their shaky attitudes the last few years especially.;)
Wade, before I switched to web phone the Jehovah's Witnesses would call and leave messages on the phone and one day I gave a nice lady a lecture on the problem of evil. I expect more LDS missionaries in this area soon as they are building a temple in Langley and 'Maple Ditch' now has a mega bridge connecting to Langley.
My latest is also on a subject somewhat related to yours...
Letting the child handle things is a good call. I didn't know Mormons were into the door to door thing. I sugest investing in a motion detecting sprinkler system. Only turn it on during those moments.
They came to our house once when Quinn was about 2. During the middle of their greeting he runs to the door (I kid you not!!) buck naked with a metal garbage can on his head screaming "I'm a robot! I'm a robot!". LMAO
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