Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Kelly-ism #16

Kelly and I had a quick budget pow-wow the other night.  This was part of our conversation:

Kelly:  "And we also need to pay Tate's kryptonite charge."

Me:  "Tate's huh????"

Kelly: "You know, that kryptonite thing for Tate . . . "

(I give her a look of complete, utter confusion)

Me:  "Are you talking about the cryogenics storage charge for his cord blood?"

Kelly:  "Yeah!"

Me:  "Oh dear Lord! . . . . Kelly-ism!"

FYI, a cyrogenic lab charges us to store Tate's frozen cord blood in case he should ever need it in the future.  

Kryptonite is the metal that robs Superman of this strength!


Hermes said...

I don't think this was a mistake. You never know when or where super powers will appear. Maybe she's noticing some early manifestation of super speed or strength. Just saying.

Anonymous said...


I did not know both words, but maybe this is because I am native speaker? But anyway - now I know them - thanks to Kelly-ism!

Shannon said...

What is happening to my sister's brain cells?????