Saturday, November 08, 2008

Spell Check is Your Friend, People!

This was one of those moments when I stopped and actually questioned if I was the one reading the sign wrong.

After that, I just tried to imagine the senario at the Copley Place Marriott in Boston that could have lead to this tinsy oversight.

The best I could come up with was the "Wall-Mounted Sign Department" had spell check on their computers but the "Ceiling-Mounted Sign Department" didn't. 

Beyond that, I figured I was just wasting time and burning brain cells - which is a heckava lot more than what this Oversight Committee has ever done!


Audra Laney said...

Argh! It is crazy that someone high up in their dept did not pass English 101!

I was reading Drew a bubble book the other day and it said "lot's," as in "Mary has lot's of cats." I thought, "That's pretty bad when you can't even write a children's book correctly!"

Wade said...

I probably shouldn't be the one to judge because I'm known to abuse our written language on a nearly daily basis . . . but misspellings in a children's book? There are so many people who dropped the ball on that one!

Oh well, at least we have the federally-funded No Child Left Behind Program. Oh wait, nevermind!

laura said...

Gary and I always get a good laugh at bad translations. We were looking for a hotel in Santa Cruz for a short family vacation and were so relieved to find out that the rooms had "conditioned air" :)

Anonymous said...

Just be careful once you are inside.:)

Cheers, Wade.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty funny Wade. I'm spell checking my comment right now just in case. Reminds me of engrish in Thailand.