Saturday, August 23, 2008

Birthday Cobbler

I have a great job that comes with great perks.

To name a few: I work from home. I have an unlimited supply of promotional gel pens. Most of my lunches are paid for. And my boss lives and works in another state!

(Hi, Brian!)

But there are some drawbacks as well: I have to deal with traffic all day long. I’m supposed to wear a tie even when it’s a hundred flippin’ degrees outside. Many of my customers don’t want to see me – another story for another time. But worst of all, because I don’t work in an office with co-workers, I have never had an office party on my birthday.

(Everybody say, “Awwwww!”)

The worst thing about birthdays as a drug rep is that most people I interact with through work don’t know it’s my birthday - and in some cases, don't even care. And I’m not so much of a dork that I would go around telling everyone it’s my birthday just so that I can get an obligatory, half-felt “Happy Birthday” greeting.

But this year is already different.

I had lunch yesterday with my #1 customer – Complete Sleep in Fort Worth.

Over the past 4 years, I’ve gotten to know the folks at Dr. Eden’s office pretty well – though Nancy and I have known each other for longer.

But to my complete surprise, I showed up for lunch yesterday and found a huge pan of birthday apple cobbler waiting for me!! I had mentioned in passing to Nancy that my favorite dessert was apple cobbler and she somehow figured out that Monday is my birthday.

So, for the first time in the history of ever, I had an office party for my birthday! But not one thrown by my co-workers, but rather by my customers!

Pretty stinkin’ cool, huh?

The best part of it all was that there was half a pan left over for me to take home – just enough to get me through the weekend!

To everyone at Complete Sleep – it was totally unnecessary, but more than appreciated! Thank you so much!


Natalie said...

Well a big shout out to Nancy at Complete Sleep, and a bigger shout out to you, the birthday buckaroo. I didn't know what your day job was (besides semi-professional blogger). My sister-in-law (Michael's sister, not Lee's wife) is a rep for Merck, so I know not every office visit is as pleasant as this one was. Enjoy the cobbler!

Phillips Family said...

Yum...cobbler. I much prefer cobbler or pie over birthday cake.

Happy birthday!

Audra Laney said...

Um, YUM! Please pass a piece over this way. With a coke to drink. If we're gonna do it, let's do it right!

Hermes said...

You tell them from me, "October 10. Pecan pie. He'll be there at 2:00pm." I'll be expecting it when I arrive.

Happy birthday.

Casdok said...

What a lovely surprise!
Happy birthday!