Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kelly-ism #15

(Above is not Kelly's flair - hers is much cooler!)

Here’s one only those familiar with Facebook will get . . .

I needed to talk with Kelly the other night so I sat down across from her while she was sitting at her computer. Not able to see her screen I asked, “Is this a good time to talk – am I interrupting anything?”

Still looking at her computer Kelly replied, “Well, I am rearranging my flair!”

Gee, I guess I’ll just take a number and wait to be called!


Phillips Family said...

Oh, Flair, how you have given my life meaning....

I am now off to check out Kelly's flair on Facebook. I am sure it is greatness!


There are something in life that are just too important to stop. Rearranging one's flairs has to rank up there towards the top.


Audra Laney said...

Wade, arranging flair is super important. You have to add all your new flair from your friends so they won't think you hated their gift. Then you have to decide which flair to delete so it will all fit. Then you hurt that person's feelings. It IS a big deal! ;)

Hermes said...

Next time she gets a drink of water or something, jump on to her computer and change her administrative password. That'll teach her.

Linda said...

Ok...I'm just now getting this since caving to peer pressure and signing up. LOL! I'm still trying to get the hang of things...but can see the true NEED to rearrange the flair...take that number. ;o)