Friday, May 09, 2008

We're Home!

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers! We are all now home resting comfortably!

Tate woke up this morning with a healthy appetite. Since his breakfast didn't upset him, we figured Tate would be better off resting in his own crib at home - especially since it doesn't come with an IV needle!

It was actually pretty funny when we pulled up in our driveway. Tate started clapping and had a big smile on his face - he was sooo glad to be home!

Tate is still pretty weak but he's not so lethargic anymore. Even though the Dr said he's not contagious we're going to spend the weekend close to the house to give everybody a chance to rest.

Once again, thanks for all your kind words and prayers. This was one of those situations where you knew God was in control and that your child would get better - but it still ripped your heart out having to watch him having to go through it all!

1 comment:

Audra Laney said...

So glad Tate is better! Hope mom & dad get lots of rest this weekend!

Lots of Pedialyte & popsicles! :)