Monday, January 19, 2009


You may remember the "year in review" video I did after Tate’s birthday last month. 

I noticed a couple weeks ago that it was suddenly missing from my Facebook video file.  Not knowing what had happened, I had intended to reload it. But before I got around to it,  I got this notice directly from Mr. Facebook himself . . .


We have removed your video entitled "Tate Turns Two!" uploaded at 8:06pm December 13th, 2008. We did this because we learned that your video might include copyrighted material owned by a third party, such as a video clip or background audio. 

(They're are referring to the background song Upside Down by Jack Johnson.  Oh whoops!  I just typed out his name!  Am I allowed to do that or is typing his name copyrighted too?)

If you are the copyright owner, or have permission from the rights holder to upload and distribute this material on Facebook, you may file a counter notice of alleged infringement by following the link below.

Please note that if you re-upload this video without filing a counter notice, or if you upload another video that infringes on the rights of a third party, our system will again remove the content . This could cause your access to the Facebook Video application to be disabled, or your Facebook account to be disabled.

In other words, the email says:

Blah, blah, blah You can't show your really cool video of your really cute son. Blah, blah, We're the fun police blah, blah! Stop having fun! Blah, blah!

Whatever! The video is still posted on my blog! You know, the blog where people are allowed to have fun!!!

Speaking of which,
click here to watch Tate Turns Two!

Ooooo, take that Facebook!


Audra Laney said...

Wow! They need to pull their panties out of a wad, huh?! We still think it's precious regardless of what facebook thinks!

Anonymous said...

I had a video on YouTube that had a Jack Johnson song on it and I got a letter from them with the same mumbo-jumbo.

Maybe we should blame Jack Johnson! :)

Loved the video.