Thursday, January 08, 2009

Tate-ism #17

We have entered a new phase with Tate.  It's the "Be very careful what you say because Tate is listening and you'd be surprised how much he understands" Phase.

(Man, they've got to find a shorter name for this phase!)

Anyway, I was woken up the other morning by my 2-year old's soothing and angelic voice coming through the baby monitor.

"Wade!  Wade!  Basketball! . . . . Wade?  WAAAAAAADE!!!!!! . . . Basketball please!"

I just turned and looked at my half-sleeping wife as if somehow she were the one who taught him that . . . and then I got out of bed and played basketball with my son at 7:15 in the morning.


Audra Laney said...

How funny! What a good dad you are to play basketball before 8am. This morning when Drew was making noise trying to wake me up, I just ignored him. He finally went back to sleep. Bad mom!

Riss said...

So funny!! I hear you though on that stage, Lukas is there too and he repeats everything. So we're having to remember (and it's not always easy) that he's going to say what we say back...a little scary sometimes.

Shannon said...

What will be really bad is when they figure out what we are spelling in front of them. It's all over after that!

I meant to tell you how excited we were for you and Kelly. I forgot to leave a comment on your last post. We can't wait to watch you in your "new" role!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to tell you, that "phase" doesn't really go away. Katelyn still calls me "MaRae" (she can't say Ls, okay?) when she really wants me to listen! I'm with Shannon. She starts Kinder next year, and part of me really doesn't want her to learn to spell!

Anonymous said...

The older that smart guy gets the more I like him *giggle*. I saw the Basketball Set at Kelly's blog: this looks like so much fun!

Happy New Year!