Thursday, May 15, 2008

Church Marquee of the Week #2

"If Wyle E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that ACME stuff, why couldn't he just have bought himself some food instead?"

Though I didn't have the chance to slow down and take a picture of the marquee, I saw this yesterday on the sign of a Flower Mound church.

It's actually a really great thought . . . I just don't see the connection between between a coyote's lunch and my salvation!


Audra Laney said...

Hm...Since I am bored out of my mind, I will make the stretch to connect the two. :)

1. There is only one roadrunner and that is what WEC needed. With all the money in the world, Wyle E Coyote couldn't buy the roadrunner.

2. There is only one way to heaven-Jesus Christ. Even if we're overflowing with earthly treasures, it still won't buy our salvation...and the money won't cure our "hunger" for Jesus Christ.

I don't think that marquee will have people running into the church to find Jesus (lol), but someone as bored as I am can try to make an application!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we set our traps and then sit in them and test the trigger???

I kind of get it...

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

"If Wyle E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that ACME stuff, why couldn't he just have bought himself some food instead?"

Ego perhaps.

I noticed when I was a kid that when the Coyote went up against the Sheepdog he had a red nose and not a black one as usual.

In another series of Warner Bros. Looney Tunes cartoons, Chuck Jones used the character design (model sheets and personality) of Wile E. Coyote as "Ralph Wolf". In this series, Ralph continually attempts to steal sheep from a flock being guarded by the eternally vigilant Sam Sheepdog. As with the Road Runner series, Ralph Wolf uses all sorts of wild inventions and schemes to steal the sheep, but he is continually foiled by the sheepdog. In a move seen by many as a self-referential gag, Ralph Wolf continually tries to steal the sheep not because he is a fanatic (as Wile E. Coyote was), but because it is his job. In every cartoon, he and the sheepdog punch a timeclock, exchange pleasantries, go to work, take lunch break, and clock out to go home for the day, all according to a factory-like blowing whistle. The most prominent difference between the coyote and the wolf, aside from their locales, is that Wile E. has a black nose and Ralph has a red nose.

Wade said...

Hey A,

Not bad!!!!

You should take that analogy to your preacher and dare him to use it in a sermon. Say, "A truly great preacher could use this and bring little old ladies to tears!"

Hey HB,

Getting stuck in my own traps is DEFINITELY something I do a regular basis!

By the way, do you know this church? It's the little church next to the cemetary on 1171 and Shiloh.

They always have head-scratching marquees.

Hey Russ,

I never got that cartoon because I didn't realize that Ralph was supposed to be a different character than Wyle E. I'm obviously not as observant as you since I didn't notice different noses. But I didn't understand why the coyote was stealing sheep instead of chasing Road Runner.

Thanks for pointing that out to me - my childhood memories can now exist in perfect harmonious balance!!

Thanks all for stopping by,


Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Thanks for pointing that out to me - my childhood memories can now exist in perfect harmonious balance!!
