Thursday, July 31, 2008


This is my 400th post on Wade's Rantings!

So in celebration for there apparently not being anything better on the Internet for you to read at the moment, I'll share 400 random things you probably don't already know about me!

Ha, yeah right! How about we settle for just 10 instead?

1. I recently discovered that I'm a perfectionist. Apparently, I've always been a perfectionist but I'm just now becoming aware of and coming to terms with this new self-discovery.

Speaking of which, do you mind not sitting that way in your chair while reading my blog? . . . Thanks!

2. Every summer about this time when NFL training camps get underway I get really impatient for football season to start. Seriously, I'm already looking forward to kick-off weekend!

3. I have a number of short cuts that I like to take when getting around town. Anytime Kelly is in the car with me when I take one of my highly effective and efficient short cuts there's always a debate between us as to how much time I'm actually saving.

4. I want to be a Texas Ranger fan - I really do. But I just can't bring myself to endure the inevitable heartbreak. Besides, the Dallas Mavericks are already doing a good job of ripping my heart out every year!

5. Summertime is a particularly difficult time for me in my struggle not to covet because of all the ski boats I see being pulled down the road.

6. I planted some sweet potato vine in our backyard this summer and I'm a little prideful of how well it is growing. I enjoy going out at night (when it's not 400 freakin' degrees) and admire it while watering my plants.

7. I'm listening to American Pie by Don McLean while typing this post . . . and it scares me that I know every word of this song!

8. Now I'm listening to U2's In a Little While. Man, I'd love to learn how to play that intro on my guitar because Kelly thinks this song is sexy! But, of course, I'm making a big assumption that she would find me equally as sexy if I could play it on my guitar.


9. I spent the past 3 weeks watching every stage of the Tour de France. My favorite part was anytime Tate would crawl up in my lap and watch it with me. He would point to the TV and say, "G-g-go!" I laughed every time!

10. I have to brag on myself a little . . . 160 days with no Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Root Beer or any carbonated drink of any kind is pretty darn impressive considering how addicted I used to be to those drinks.

Thanks again for taking the time to stop by!


Natalie said...

OMG, you scared me half to death with the thought of 400 posts. Not that inquiring minds don't want to know, but I was worried about the amount of time in front of the computer that would take from Kelly and Tate. WOW.

Michael knows a lot of U2 songs, but it's the Edge who he feels competitive with in regards for my affection. :)

Enjoy the Texas evenings (and mosquito bites) for us, will ya?

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Wade.

You have an entertaining blog, but can get tough and theological when needed. You have not, from what I have seen, had a bust-up on here though, although you have had a couple of rude commenters I have viewed. You can get involved in the bust-ups on my blogs and then head back here.;)

My latest features a short debate which I think you could comment on quite nicely.

I like the Blog graphic, Wade.



Number 2 and 4 - Amen brother! We're a lot alike.

Kent said...

Dude, you need to start being a Rangers fan because they are a couple years away from being back in the thick of things. When they get good again you don't want to be seen as a bandwagon fan. That's the worst.

I too have quit Dr. Pepper. I have found this carbonated flavored water, though, that they sell at Target and Wal-Mart that has nothing in it, no caffeine, no sodium, no carbs, and it's pretty good. You might check it out some time. It fills my craving but without all the guilt.

Anonymous said...

I will stay for the next 400 posts, too. So go on and post more pictures of Tate with them...

Audra Laney said...

160 days without a carbonated drink?! SUPER impressive!

-a Coca Cola addict

Wade said...

Hey Nat,

400 random tidbits about me would have been stuff like "Now that Kelly and Tate have left me, I've learned that I don't sleep well in a empty house!"

Don't tell anyone, but I have a man-crush on The Edge!

Hey Russ,

Thanks for the friendly comments! But feel free to surly with me here on my blog if you want - I'll know it'll all be in fun!

Hey Trey,

Another reason why I really don't want to be a Ranger fan is because it was 101 degrees the other night at the opening pitch - no thank you!

Hey Kent,

You are a man of wisdom and maturity far beyond my years, my friend. But there are a couple of things you said that bring concern to my mind.

"They are a couple years away from being back?" Back from where? That one playoff game win? "When they get good again?" Unless you're counting Nolan Ryan's no-no's, I don't recall them ever being good!

Baseball is too long of a season (and game) for me to endure when played at a mediocre level. I'll take on 3 years of 5-11 from the Cowboys because I love football so much. But baseball has a long way to go before I plow through 162 games - of which only the first 50 are even considered meaningful by the home team.

Now, as for the this new drink you're talking about - you may be on to something there!

Hey Helen,

Stay tuned. I've got a post just for you!

Hey Audra,

Yeah . . . well . . . I don't like to brag!

Thanks all for stopping by,