Monday, July 28, 2008

Mama Come Home!

Kelly headed down to San Antonio this past weekend for a much deserved trip on her own to see an old roommate. That left Tate and I home alone to do guy stuff like swing in the back yard, eat Krispy Kremes and swim at the local mini-Hurricane Harbor.

Unfortunately it was not a weekend without its tears . . . for either of us!

Me first.

Tate and I were in the back yard playing our favorite game of Swing & Dog Poop. That's where Tate flies back and forth in his swing while I clean up dog poop. I don't care for the game much myself but Tate really seems to enjoy it.

But this time was particularly bad - while bending over to pick up Macy's latest contribution to our yard I suddenly felt something crawling just behind my ear. Then there was a sudden stinging pain!

I slapped the back of my head and watched a crumpled up wasp fall to the ground! I got stung by a wasp while cleaning up dog poop!!


Since I didn't feel that stomping it to death was sufficient retribution for its malfeasance, I rushed into the house and grabbed a can of bug spray for good measure!

(This proves that I would be a terrible world leader as I always opt for chemical warfare!)

I didn't have any reaction to the sting other than a burning scalp and a serious case of the "creepy crawlies."

Stupid wasp!

Tate had a great weekend . . . if you exclude the fact that he spent it teething!!!!

I actually wondered if Kelly purposefully planned to be away this weekend - not that I blame her if she did!

I thought surely the local swimming pool could appease him but there was no such luck. In fact, he had an all out meltdown and screamed at some lady just for swimming too close to us! I was quick to apologize and tell her that Tate was teething but she gave me one of those "Uh-huh, sure!" looks!

Whatever, Flipper!

The sad part was hearing Tate ask for Kelly all weekend long, "Mama, mama, mama, mama, mama, mama, mama, mama!"

Oh sure, it's cute and adorable . . . until you hear it 50 times in a row!! At which point I caved in as well, "Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly!"

Oh well! When all else fails - try sugary snacks!


Robyn Rochelle E. said...

thanks for this post - I enjoyed taking a look into your weekend - mama away kinda' thing :-)
and thank you for your comment on my blog - please remember - every moment is precious and they grow up way too fast
teething turns into campouts, campouts into shaving moments (with razor and lather and stuff), shaving moments turn driver's ed, and driver's ed to dates, and dates to college, and college to marriage...
oh the wonderful memories it all holds! Isn't it fun to know that you have chronicled much of this time on a blogspot for furure remembrances????

Phillips Family said...

Krispy Kreme always makes me feel better, too, Tate!

Jody said...

I am so sorry about the wasp!!! That hurts!!
It stinks when the little ones are wanting the ones who AREN'T there!! Love the picture.

Shannon said...

Krispy Kremes make everything better. Like, right after you've run a couple of miles with 2 dogs. That's exactly what you would want for a post-run snack, right?

Sorry about the teething and wasp sting! I'm sure you were both glad to see Mama!!

Anonymous said...

What a weekend Wade! At least you didn't end up in the ER for the wasp bite! BTW, I think he looks better in the "In 'n Out" Hat his Grandpa gave him in California last year.
