Monday, December 11, 2006

Coming Out of the Newborn Fog

Whew! I wish someone had told me that having a baby pretty much changes everything . . . just kidding!

Today is really the first day I've had the mental capacity to do much more than just sit in my recliner with a blank stare on my face.

But now it's back to business as usual . . .

Little Man Tate's Baby Pool

And the winner is . . . 6-month old Mallory!

Some may be impressed that a baby could predict the birth of, well, another baby but I'm just trying to figure out how she typed her guess on the keyboard. Hmmm . . . I wonder if Mommy Shannon had something to do with that.

Of course, I'm sure Mallory will use her Barnes & Noble gift certificate to buy baby books and not cooking or sewing books!

It's pretty embarrassing that my guess ended up 37th out of 40 - hey, I was certain we'd have a Thanksgiving baby!

Thank you all for playing.


Shannon said...

Woo hoo! Mallory is so smart! It must be "baby esp". I will make sure she spends her gift card wisely.

Thanks Uncle Wade, Aunt Kelly and cousin Tate!

Anonymous said...

Boy, just cause you have a new baby in the home doesn't mean you two give up the blogging routine. How are we supposed to get any updates on that cute little bundle of JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Having had 2 December babies I am well aware of how stressed you are feeling at this time of year. Of course Kelly probably finished her shopping in Sept!!!!!!!!!!!

All our love--

Aunt B

Kelly said...

I wish I had been that on top of things Aunt Barbara. Actually it was the week of Thanksgiving that the thought dawned on me...we'll still need to buy Christmas presents this year! Yikes!

I've made a little progress, but not much. I'm thinking it may be a big online and/or gift card year. :)

Hope all is well in CA...we appreciate all of your thoughts and well wished! Kelly.