Sunday, June 03, 2007

QOTW: The Stuff Room

I gleamed this week's question from a recent discussion I heard on the radio about how Americans are obsessed with size . . . particularly when it comes to the homestead!

The guys on the radio mentioned that the most expensive house in the Dallas/Fort Worth area has around 20,000 square feet. And at the moment only 2 people live in it - although it requires a small company of people for upkeep!

I'm sorry, but there is a point when a house becomes too big!

But I started wondering, "If I could add a couple hundred square feet here or there to our current house (for practical purposes, of course!), where would I put it?"

I think the enemy to any house and home is clutter. I hate clutter. I hate disarray. I hate stacks of stuff - although I am currently tolerating several boxes of sales material in my office because I have nowhere else to put them . . . I need more closet space!

I have to hand it to our builder, they did a pretty good job on creating plenty of closet space. But can you ever have too much closet space? It's just amazing how all the stuff you accumulate over time seems to suddenly overflow and take over a room.

And that's all it is - just stuff. Stuff we never will use - stuff we never have used. But all stuff that we think we will eventually use. So we keep it and stuff it in every nuck and crany in our house until finally there's no room for the stuff that we really do need to keep!

I guess that's why there are so many storage units being built around here . . .

"If you could add square footage to any ONE area in your house or apartment, which area would it be?"

Total Votes: 25

The Living Room: 12% (3 votes)

The Dining Room: 4% (1 vote)

The Kitchen: 12% (3 votes)

The Master Bedroom: 8% (2 votes)

The Bathroom: 20% (5 votes)

The Closets: 36% (9 votes)

The Pantry/Utility Room: 0% (0 votes)

The Garage: 4% (1 vote)

The Front/Back Yard: 4% (1 vote)


Anonymous said...

my boyfriend calls my stuff "kindling". he's says that's all it's ever going to be good for.

Wade said...

Hey Anon,

Ha! Add it to my pile and we've got enough for a bonfire!

Thanks for stopping by,


Anonymous said...

Hi Wade, thanks a lot for commenting at my blog. I enjoyed the visit at yours and had a good laugh at several posts and your profile.

I definitely do n o t need a bigger closet, but less things to put in the "optimal size" closet

Will sure be back for reading more,