Sunday, April 27, 2008

Get Out Of My Calendar, Satan!

I've been busy.

Real busy.

Too busy.

It's the kind of busy where I'm not really getting anything done because I'm so busy trying to get to the next thing on my To-Do List that I don't do a good job on whatever I'm doing at the moment . . . which often means I have to go back and re-do what I didn't do well in the first place.

Meanwhile, I can almost hear the devil snickering and laughing at me as I systematically run myself into the ground on a daily basis.

Psalm 46:10 says to "be still and know that I am God."

Being still - there's a concept. Sitting still is such a great idea that vacation spots will often use photos of people sitting still on a beach for the cover of their brochures hoping the rest of us will "buy in" - which we almost always do.

But to know that He is God - how does that help the busyness that I've allowed to clutter-up my week? Maybe if I make a point to be still God will lead me to rest by green pastures and quiet waters.

Resting by green pastures and quiet waters - now there's a concept! The great thing about that kind of rest is that it doesn't come with security checks, lay overs, and rude flight attendants who could use a little Psalm 46:10 themselves!

And now as I look at my calendar I realize that it's my own fault. Everything that I've scheduled is something that "takes" from me - yet I haven't scheduled one thing that will "replenish" me.

And that kind of calendar is one Satan likes to see!

Not anymore! Time to start crossing stuff off my calendar so that I'll have time just to be still and know!


TTidmore said...

In our small group we are studying Phillip Yancey's "The Power of Prayer." In it he discusses that the Hebrew word used in Psalm 46 for "be still" is something like "vaca", for which our word vacation comes from. So you hit it right on the head. God wants us to take a little vacation from all the things that distract us so we can refuel and replenish. Hope you can find some time soon to do just that.


Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Whoa, when I first saw that title I thought of Ernest Angley. Seriously, I hope you can manage your time very well, Wade.

A suggested priority list:




I always thought that if Satan can't make you sin, he'll be content with keeping you way too busy!

Anonymous said...

That post sure made me think - thanks!

Anonymous said...

That picture was great. I feel like that all the time.

It's so easy to let so much time go by, and we turn around and ask ourselves where our life has gone.