Friday, September 12, 2008

Oh great! One more thing to worry about!

I tripped over this little blurb on . . .

"Scientists cheer atom smasher success"

"Scientists applauded as one of the most ambitious experiments ever conceived began today. The Large Hadron Collider -- designed to simulate conditions of the Big Bang -- was switched on this morning. Skeptics claim the experiment could create a black hole capable of swallowing the Earth."

Does this mean we don't have to worry about global warming anymore?


Anonymous said...

Take care.

I pray for your safety, although I know you and family are a quite a ways from Houston.

Wade said...

Thanks Russ!

We're supposed to duck and cover starting around Noon tomorrow - just enough time for me to get a few hours in on my bike!!

Hermes said...

Don't worry. The skeptics are a bunch of D&D gamers that read way too much science fiction and comic books. I used to be one of them. Wishful thinking. I promise.