Thursday, September 11, 2008

Today is obviously a significant day in our country . . . but there’s not much I have to say about it.

I caught myself wondering if I needed to write something about 9-11 and post it today.  But I’m not going to try to say something new just so that something new will be said. Besides, what else can you really say that hasn’t already been said before?    What I can say, I have already said. 

But even on a day like today, I can remain both silent and patriotic.   Just because I will go about my day as usual, other than a few reflective moments, it doesn’t mean I’m unappreciative to be an American or lack compassion for those who died.  

But rather, it’s yet another example of how Heavenly peace, the kind that transcends all understanding, can overflow  one’s heart so that the hurt no longer stings and the questions no longer linger. 

My hope is for those who will spend their day wrapped in pain and questions can soon feel this same peace and return to going about their lives as usual.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! How are things? Sorry, it's been forever. Things have been crazy busy where I am.

So, how are you?