Sunday, April 15, 2007

QOTW: Governmentally Imposed Contributions


Or as Wikipedia defines it, "a pecuniary burden laid upon individuals or property to support the government".

(Pecuniary means 'pertaining to money'. Don't worry - I had to look it up, too!)

I bumped into a guy not too long ago who literally boasted about not paying taxes in over 10 years - I wonder if I'd get an reward for turning him in.

It was one of those situations where I would have loved just to go off on what a narrow-minded imbecile he is (because we all know that's what Jesus would have done, right?) - but instead I just stood there with a half-smile on my face and said, "Huh, you don't say?"

He apparently took that as a sign of me being half-impressed because from there he went off on some 5-minute diatribe using phrases such as "those IRS thieves" and "what are they gonna do about it?"

(What are they gonna do about it? Do the phrases "prison time" and "$25,000 in fines" mean anything to ya', pal?)

I've got much less of a problem with having to pay taxes myself than the problem I have with the societal parasites who think they're actually coming out ahead by not paying taxes.

And I realize that 'parasite' is a rather strong word to call someone - but think about it, people who don't pay taxes still enjoy the daily luxuries and conveniences provided by our government that our tax dollars pay for. This guy's just living off a free meal that he is supposed to help pay for!

Hey buddy, it's fine with me if you don't want to pay taxes. But since you're not a fully contributing member of society, do us law-abiding (and tax-paying) citizens a favor and adhere to the following list (provided by

- Don't drive on paved streets or highways.

- Don't call 911.

- Don't flush your toilet.

- Don't bring your garbage to the curb.

- Don't fly in an airplane that uses air-traffic controllers.

- Don't call the police when you get robbed.

- Don't send your children to public schools.

- Don't be rescued by fire department paramedic team.

- Don't expect federal assistance if a natural disaster destroys your home or business.

- Don't watch state college sports.

- Don't expect your tap water to be clean and germ free.

- Don't expect to enjoy the benefits of the most stable regime in the world.

And finally . . .

- Don't complain because taxes can be a good thing and NOBODY wants to hear your whining anymore!

All of which is what I really wanted to say to that guy!

Man, I hope that knucklehead reads my blog!


"Every year on April 15th, I am usually:"

Total votes: 22

Spending my tax refund: 16 votes, 72%

Putting my taxes in the mail: 2 votes, 9%

Filing for an extension: 2 votes, 9%

Clueless that my taxes are due: 2 votes, 9%

Thumbing my nose at taxes: 0 votes


tara said...

So funny we were talking about this at BSF just this week! The guy you were talking about probably doesn't have a problem with taxes, he probably has an issue with authority. As Christians we are called to submit to the authority that has been placed over us (unless it goes against God)and Jesus specifically said, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's." And here is the hard part for me - we are to do it joyfully, tax refund or no tax refund.
Just my 2 cents.

Wade said...

Hey T,

I think you're absolutely right! They are the same people who would argue with a stop sign if they could simply because they don't want to be told to come to a complete stop - so instead they usually just blow right through the intersection.

But it's such wasted energy to get upset about taxes. And I'm not talking about frivalous-unreasonable-'no taxation without representation'-taxes. If you feel that you're being taxed beyond what is reasonable, then get a lawyer.

But there will never be life without taxes so my attitude is 'pay your share and move on' - just like what you said, give to Caesar what is Caesar's.

It just burns me how some people fight paying taxes like it's some moral crusade against injustice to humanity!