Friday, August 17, 2007

Those Are Fightin' Words!

I guess I'm stealing a bit from EDMC, but I gotta share this one . . .

We all know that SiteMeter will show which internet searches pulled up your blog.

Recently, I noticed that someone stopped by my blog after googling "old men who wear their pants too high".

Does anyone know how to file a complaint with Google?


Jennifer said...

I've got siste meter too and I can't find how people locate my site by typing in a search on Google. Where did you go to look for that?

That is hilarious!

Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

but don't you do that?!?!

Google is just speaking the truth in love, Wade.

don't hate-embrace

Wade said...

Hey Jennifer,

After you have logged onto SiteMeter, click on "By Referrals" on the left side of the screen. This will take you to a list of all the webpages that have referred traffic to your blog.

Anytime you see something like " . . . " then that person found your blog through Google.

Hover your cursor over that link to read the words they used in their search that pulled up your blog.

Hope that helps.

Hey Suz,

Ha! Nice try!

Thanks for stopping by,


Keri said...

Ha you made me spit out my diet coke!!! That is so funny!!!

Wade said...

Hey Keri,

Only spit-up? I was trying to make it come out your nose!


Jennifer said...

Thanks Wade! I just went to look at some of my recent google searches and here are how some found my blog:

1. Several must have been looking for the lyrics to the Laverne and Shirley song because one of my titles contained the opening lines to it.

2. One found me by typing in "perks to being a stay at home mom" I did a post on that a while back.

3. The best one though was someone looking for "grey hair and eyebrows in early 20's" Lovely. I did post one time about finding random grey hairs in my head.

Thanks for showing me how to find it.

Wade said...

Hey J,

Glad it worked!

The grey eyebrow hair one is funny . . . but not funny as in that you have grey hair . . . but funny in that someone . . . ah, you know what I mean!


Anonymous said...

Oh yes, google can be true fun.

I once was the first hit for "dumpling seeds as medicine" which resulted of my posting a recipe and writing on allergy medication ;-)

Sometimes the google searches and hits on my page freak me out and I don't really want to know who is reading my blog and why. Sometimes I see people ending up at my blog about 100 times a day (feedreader?) which I find creepy...
