Friday, February 08, 2008

Apostrophe Abuse Alert!

Deana will often bring to our attention the rampant abuse of apostrophes in our country. So here's a picture she'll appreciate . . . or not, depending upon how she looks at it!

What makes this offense so shocking is that this sign can be found in a doctor's office!

A doctor's office!

So much for higher education, ey?


Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

The manufacturer needs a proof-reader.:)

Anonymous said...

Glad you know how to use an apostrophe.
Is it really necessary to get a college education these days to be able to write with correct punctuation?
Since going to my classes, I'm sorry to say, it seems so.

Anonymous said...

Oh you'd just love Bastian Sick. He is a German newspaper journalist and he writes fun short stories on common problems in the German Language (the apostrophe being one of them).

He also publishes photos like the one you posted on his webpage on a regular basis (people send it to him from allover Germany).

The counterpart for the English language might be "The Grouchy Grammarian" - ever heard of him?

Hermes said...

No, the sign is correct. That room belongs to no one if not the employee. Just a matter of perspective!

Wade said...

Hey Russ,

No joke! You'd think somebody would have said something!

Hey Mimi,

Your daughter certainly thinks it's important!

Hey Helen,

The Grouchy Grammarian? Nope - but he seems like someone I'd like!

Hey Lawn,

You're the educator - so you would know!

Thanks for stopping by,


Audra Laney said...

I can see how "get off my lawn" could read this to where the apostrophe is correct; however, I think it would be most widely thought to mean "employees only may enter here." That would make the apostrophe (in MY interpretation) to be incorrect.

I HATE seeing things like this. In Andrew's little town there was a digusting car place that sold hub caps. Fittingly, it was titled "Hub Cap's." I cringe when we drive by there!

Wade said...

Hey Audra,

I'm sure if you or I had any street cred then there's a good chance we'd know that "Hub Cap's" was probably the correct spelling for a far different meaning!

But since we both apparently grew in a sheltered childhood, all we can do is go around and point out other people's grammatical errors!

Hey, somebody's got to do it!

Thanks for stopping by,


Deana Nall said...

The sign could only be correct if one employee owned something called an "ONLY." I had a similar discussion with the owner of the Facebook group "Youth Pastor's Only." He was trying to say the apostrophe was correct because the youth pastors own the group. But no, they (or really just one, since the apostrophe is before the "s") would have to own an "only." Which makes me wonder -- does anyone own an only? Maybe they sell them on Ebay.