Friday, February 29, 2008

Enough Is Enough!

Soft drinks. Fountain drinks. Soda. Pop. Tonic water. Fizzy water. Liquid sugar. Coke.

Whatever you call them, carbonated drinks have been a dietary staple in my life ever since I came off the bottle as a baby!

There was a time when I wouldn't think twice about downing 6 Dr. Peppers during a meal. I used to joke with servers at restaurants to expect a "Dr. Pepper Derby" between my table and the kitchen with the number of refills I'd want.

Last year I tried only drinking caffeine-free drinks like Sprite and IBC Root Beer in order to cut back. Oh pa-lease! Who was I kidding??

But as of today, I have done something that I have never done before as long as I can remember - I have gone 7 days in row of no carbonated drinks of any kind!!!

No Coke. No Sprite. No Root Beer and especially . . . gasp! . . . no Dr. Pepper!

(Oh, sweet nectar of life!)

Go ahead and say it!

"I don't believe it!"

Oh, you better believe it! Nothing but water, iced tea and orange juice for 7 days!

I never had any headaches but my sweet tooth is going nuts! I guess it's trying to figure out where I'm going to make up for those 10 tablespoons of sugar per can I'm now missing out on.

(Blue Bell & Magic Shell, anyone?)

It's a little late for New Year's Resolutions but I figured I'd proclaim to the blogosphere that going forward, Wade's Rantings will be a carbonated drink-free blog.

(Which probably means this blog will now be pretty dull and boring. But hey, health begets happiness, right?)

But enough is enough!

I'll keep you posted on how I'm doing. But if you see a story on the evening news about a thirty-something who went berserk, stripped naked and began chasing Dr. Pepper delivery trucks then know that I totally cracked under the pressure of withdrawal from liquefied glucose and probably never should have attempted this little stunt in the first place!!

So on that note . . . wish me luck!


Hermes said...

I concur about the Dr Pepper. I can do without coke or pepsi or anything else. But there's something strongly addictive in that stuff.

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Quitting altogether is good for your health, but I restrict myself to a soda pop once a week.
It is certainly good to at least lead your family in the direction of limited 'popness'.;)

Coke adds life?

Cheers, Wade.

Dr. Pepper can go sit and sulk with the Burger King.

Robyn Rochelle E. said...

Nein!!! Dr. Pepper..
Ahhhh the Nectar of the gods :-)
Alas, none here in Deautschland!
I have it flown in with my children.
Of course Europe gives a whole new meaning to carbonated beverages!
'Did you want your water with our without gas?'
have been off for a while
missed reading you

Kester Smith... said...


Was hoping you would add my info to the ACY Reunion blog, but can't seem to pull up your address. Here's my info:

Christopher "Kester" Smith



Shannon said...

I'm impressed Wade. I'm so impressed that I thought for a minute I might stop drinking Coke myself.

Who am I kidding?? I'm completely addicted...and I'm okay with that!

But, I'm proud of you!!


You know I can do that with no problem. But when you ask me to give up my coffee, that's when you go from preaching and start meddling.

Anonymous said...

Haven't ever tried Dr Pepper and reading this, I think it's probably a good thing - it's enough that I am coffee addicted.

Fortunately I was risen to drink water, juice and coke only about once a month, so I had an easy go on that...

I tried to replace my coffee with green tea last week. Guess what did not work out.

So: I am really impressed! :-)

GliterallyScoot said...

Good for you for making this change! You'll feel so much better once you have! It takes 30 days to make or break a habit. Don't stop at 7! You can do this. :-)

I kicked the Dr. Pepper habit this summer. Wow was that not fun, but mine wasn't so much about the sugar addiction but the caffiene addiction. I dropped about 5-8 pounds almost immediately. I honestly do feel so much better since I stopped drinking it though I salivate at the sight of a Imperial Sugar DP now and then. :-)

Now I restrict myself to water and things made with water (sugar free kool-aid, lemonade, etc). Every day or two I might have a sprite bc it lacks the caffiene that's so addictive to me.

By the way, catching up on blogs tonight, and I have to say I love the video post. It soooo cracked me up. For someone who refused to blog for so long, you sure are a natural blogger!

Wade said...

Hey Lawn,

The urban legend is that they used to put cocaine in Coca-Cola. I think they must put something much more powerful in Dr. Pepper!

Thanks, Russ!

But it's hard to think of myself as the leader of the house when it comes to healthy eating/drinking since I have a big bowl of M&M's on my desk.

But hey, I'll eliminate one thing at a time!

Hey MMissionary,

Yeah, Europe won't do the Dr. Pepper lover any favors! Kelly brought over a 24-pack when she came to visit me in France. I only allowed myself 1 can per day so that it would last longer!

The 'with or without gas' question makes me laugh - I had forgotten about that!

Thanks, Shannon!

You can do it, too!

Hey Trey,

What is it with coffee drinkers? I actually tried to get addicted to coffee but no matter how much sweetener or half-n-half I added it all still tasted like burnt coffee beans!


Let me put it to you this way . . . if you ever see a 6-pack of Dr. Pepper, the best thing you should do is to first not make any sudden moves and then just slowly back away. Once you've taken a few steps back turn and run away as fast as you can without looking back!

Otherwise there's little you can do to resist!


I put the count-up clock in my sidebar to keep reminding me of my new proclamation.

At the moment I'm not going through many of the usual withdrawal symptoms including the initial weight loss, unfortunately! But it's still early!

Thanks for the compliment on the blog but know that Kelly won't appreciate you encouraging me!

Thanks all for stopping by,


Kent said...


I sympathize with you, brother. I have tried to kick Dr. Pepper several times and have fallen off the wagon each time. Right now I have just given in to the addiction but am trying to limit myself to one per day. Then, I try to drink really good stuff the rest of the day. I drink a lot of bottled water and 100% cranberry juice the rest of the day. Best of luck to you in your pursuit.
