Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Shocking (Bulgarian) Confession #6

My recent email exchange with Konstantin got me thinking a lot about my summer mission trip to Varna, Bulgaria when I was 17.

Unfortunately, that summer holds both some of the high and low points of my teenaged years.

The obvious high point is the fact that, as a 17 year old, I planned and raised money for a mission trip to a foreign country so I could work with the wonderful people at the church in Varna.

The low point came when I, along with my accomplices who shall remain nameless, threw waterballoons at those same wonderful people on the street from our 3rd story balcony!

I know - not exactly the typical behavior you'd expect from Bible-totin', God-fearin', God-preachin' teenagers . . . in a foreign country only 3 years removed from Communist rule, no less!

Since our flat was not air-conditioned, you had to sleep with the windows and balcony door open. Normally, it was quite comfortable other than that we were 1 block away from the cinema/restaurant/night life district of Varna.

So we were woken every night around 1 AM by sounds of loud pedistrians (who were often drunk - but who's judging!) on the street below.

After a couple of weeks of this nightly interruption, I had finally had enough of a group of people directly below our balcony. I tried shoo-ing them away but apparently "shoo!" doesn't translate very well in Bulgarian. That's when I remembered that a water balloon was universal language for "Go away!"

Something funny happens when you throw a water balloon at a group of unsuspecting, drunk Bulgarians. (1) It suddenly becomes quiet again - that is, after they've left but not before hurling an unintelligible verbal assault of their own. (2) You realize how much fun it was - which, remember, is a typical response you'd expect from a 17-year old. (3) As a 17-year old, you begin planning your next blitzkrieg of .10 cent water balloons!

But now I'm a grown adult amidst confession so I should reiterate that this is not something I'm proud of . . . eventhough I fight back my own snickering as I write this post.

But it's good that I get this off my chest. It was really poor show to be "God loves you!" by day and but then "Bombs away!" by night! We justified it by saying it was God's wrath on international drunkenness!

I can say that it gained a slightly more redeeming quality when it turned into vigilante justice after we witnessed an out-of-control taxi nearly take out a couple as they walked across the street. Besides, the taxis were far more challenging to hit . . . and therefore worth more points!

So if you were suddenly soaked by snickering schoolboys while walking through Varna in the summer of '93 then I would like to say (1) I'm truly sorry . . . and (2) you were being too loud too late!


Hermes said...

As confessions go... I think you should be proud of this one! Snicker away! In fact, you should go get some balloons right now and prepare to hurl them at pedestrian traffic near your house for infractions incurred at your discretion. Littering? That warrants a water bomb! Stepping on your grass definitely deserves a good soaking. As you get older, feel the impunity of water ballooning the police car that comes to your door to investigate previous water bombings. What are they gonna do, charge you with assault with a balloon? I'm a bit jealous I've never thrown anything from a balcony... except a paper airplane.

Wade said...

Hey Lawn,

Wouldn't it be great if world conflict could solved by a good ol' fashioned water balloon fight!?

I'd win sooo many Medals of Honor!!!

laura said...

You would fit right in here in Cbba right now with Carnaval going on... it's a water war in the streets... balloons, water guns or full buckets, matters not to the Bolivians :) So we've been hiding out since being gringos makes us 10times the target that others are. And quick question, this could completely be my lack of memory right now, but I am vaguely remembering an incident on a certain golf course near a certain someone's parents house that involved water balloons as well... am I imagining that or did that really happen? Pregnancy will do weird things to the brain so it could just be me, but for some reason this story seems very familiar, but with a slight change in location :)

Robyn Rochelle E. said...

Thanks for the confession...
So that was you????

just kidding - giggle