Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Me, cat lover? Eh, not so much!

I've never liked cats. Which is fine because they have never liked me.

I was 7 years old when I had my one and only cat - his name was Junior and he was completely black. He hissed everytime I came near. Even when I was just walking through the room he would just glare at me like he was thinking, "That's right, kid! Just keep on walking!"

Junior never appreciated the way I always wanted to take care of him and be a good cat owner. Like the time I noticed that Junior bad breath - I put some toothpaste on my toothbrush and proceeded to brush his teeth.

You know how peanut butter will sometimes get stuck to the roof of your mouth? And then you spend the rest of the day smacking and licking peanut butter? Apparently the same thing happens to a cat when you put toothpaste in his mouth!

From then on Junior kept to himself and I, in order to avoid cat scratches, kept to myself.

I'm sure this was the same type of relationship the little boy walking down my street last night had with his cat.

While I was mowing my front yard, I noticed a boy who seemed too young to be out by himself walking down the sidewalk. I could tell he was looking for something so I asked him if everything was alright.

"Have you seen my cat?" He said without introducing himself.

"No. What does he look like?"

"He has fur and a really long tail." That narrowed it down a bit.

"Well, what should I do if I find him?" I expected the little boy to give me directions to his house.

"I dunno." He gave me a blank look like he hadn't thought that far ahead yet. Then he continued . . .

"My dad says I can't have a dog because I already have a cat. So if you find him you can just keep him."

"Gee . . . thanks."

Boy continued down the sidewalk.

Don't get me wrong - cats aren't totally useless. The video below shows that they do carry some entertainment value.

(Double-click play button to start video)


Shannon said...

Dad used to try to run over cats. I guess he thought they were useless also!

Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

I grew up with cats but now that i own my own furniture-I got rid of my cat. I also can't stand cat hair, hairballs and other things that I will not mention here. So no more cats for me! Hope you are having a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Shannon,

Rick run over cats? Noooo! I'm surprised he hasn't hung thier skins up on a wall as trophies!!

Hey Susan,

I remember one cat you and Gunnar had named Frisky! I was sitting on your couch and he jumped up from behind and scratched the back of my neck and then took off down the hallway and into your room. Ever since then I called him Freddy (as in Krueger - from Nightmare on Elm Street).

Dang cat!

Thanks for stopping by,


Phylemon said...

You are all very sick, sad people. I'm with Robert Deniro from "Meet the Parents" who said that people who like dogs must be lazy, because dogs like everyone. It takes hard work and effort to gain the affections of a cat (or at least putting food in their bowl on a regular basis).

Anonymous said...

OK phylemon,

I figured this topic would draw you out of your corner!

I don't have a Alf-like distain for cats - I just can't understand how a bond can form between a person and an animal that acts as if it would much rather do without the person.

My favorite part about coming home at the end of the day is to see my golden get excited and run around in circles just because I walked thru the door. So go ahead and add that to the list of things that make me lazy!!

Cats are great, I'm sure. I guess I'm the emotionally needy one who has to have more out of my pet-owner relationships than just a purring feline wrapped around my leg every time it gets hungry.

Phylemon said...

Hey, they don't just wrap around your leg when they're hungry. They also do it everytime you go to the bathroom without shutting the door all the way, for some strange reason.

txmommy34 said...

Alright, I hate cats, too. Mostly because I'm highly allergic to them! That cat video was hilarious, though. Katelyn was laughing out loud through the whole thing. Thanks for the smiles.