Sunday, September 23, 2007

QOTW: Rise And Shine, Sleepy Head!

I can get at out of bed at any time I want. It's having a coherent thought after I've gotten out of bed that tends to be the problem.

Sometimes I'll stand dazed and confused in my mandatory morning shower so long that Kelly will think that I've fallen asleep while standing up - not that I haven't tried!

Helen and M. Missionary will no doubt tell you that the morning is best kick started with a good cup of coffee. I'll respectfully disagree despite my best efforts to become addicted to coffee myself.

Add all the creamer, half & half, sweetener you want - to me, it still tastes like burnt coffee beans. What I can't figure out is, why do coffee grounds smell so good in the grocery store ailse if it tastes like burnt coffee beans?

What gets you up and going in the morning?

Total Votes: 17

A long shower 25% (5 votes)

A cup of coffee 25% (5 votes)

A good breakfast 10% (2 votes)

A little TV 5% (1 votes)

Sleeping in until Noon 20% (4 votes)

Other 15% (3 votes)
- the baby
- 4 kids jumping on my bed!
- kids


Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

A shower and a coffee, but not together...

Anonymous said...

Actually I voted for the shower - that is a MUST. Coffee is the lovely option if I have enough time to drink one, but usually my first coffee is at the office.

Russ, you are so right - not together - who would spoil a good coffee with nasty shampoo :-) ?

But coffee goes great with having to use the hairdryer.

Casdok said...

My son headbanging, then coffee!

Anonymous said...

the only times i'm "up and going" in the morning are when i haven't been to sleep all night. if i have to get up at 5am, i have to stay up until 5am. coffee helps, but the only thing that gets me going is being awake for 6-10 hours first.

Wade said...

Hey Russ,

Ha! Yeah, keep those two separate if you can!

Hey Helen,

So are you encouraging to use caffiene while operating household appliances?

Hey Casdok,

One thing at a time. I perfectly understand!

Hey Kelli,

I have to say that strategy would probably have the opposite affect on me! Glad it works for you!

Thanks all for stopping by,