Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Baby Monitoring Council Announcement

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please? The Baby Boy Strzinek Countdown has reached 2 digits – 99 days and counting. The Baby Monitoring Council (BMC) has recommended raising the awareness level to Code Yellow: Elevated – meaning there is a significant risk of baby-associated excitement and anxieties!

While at an Elevated status, please expect continued mood changes, swollen feet and ankles, an increase of requests for shoulder-rubbing as well as back massages. Also be prepared for frequent trips to local ice creameries and any other dining establishment found suitable at any given moment in time.

Although the impending baby arrival is imminent, a full name has not been approved by BMC. Please be assured that all efforts are being made to have this information available well in advance of baby arrival.

During Elevated status, you are encouraged to continue normal daily activities of baby excitement. Impulse purchasing of baby items is not required but is definitely appreciated. However, BMC recommends beginning an inventory of baby diapers and wipes for all parties wishing to be considered for baby-sitting activities post-baby arrival.

Thank you. Have a nice day.


Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

I am singing "The Final Countdown" remember that song? don't let me down Wade i know you do!

Wade said...

It's hard to miss - it's the only song on Europe's Greatest Hit Album!

That song is a classic example of some guy (with big hair!) coming up with a stupid repetitive tune and thinking, "Wow! That's hot! Now if I can only come up with some killer lyrics to go with it. I know! I'll sing about space travel! Hello double platinum!!"

Case in point:

"We're leaving together,
But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back,
To earth, who can tell?"

My 9-year old nephew can come up with something better than that! At least when the Beatles sang about rocking horse people eating marshmellow pies they put it to good music.

Thanks for stopping by,