Sunday, August 06, 2006

I felt the baby move!!!

Weird!! You can actually see Kelly's stomach jump up! I put my hand down and just as I did he kicked back - he better not get in the habit of that! He got real wiggly when I started talking to him! I asked him if he liked the sound of a name Kelly thought of tonight - kick!

(Sorry, I'll share the name if that's the one we decide to go with.)

Dang! December feels like a year away when it's 1,000 freggin' degrees outside! In the meantime, Baby and I are having fun playing morse code through Kelly's stomach!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the baby boy!!! Paige Pearson said she had been in contact with you and provided your blog address. I would like to send you an email to catch up on things. Again, Congratulations!!! It is a very exciting time.
Jeremy Paul

Wade said...

Hey Jeremy,

Great to hear from you! Paige told me that she spoke to you! Please send me an email -

I'd love to get caught up!

Thanks for stoppying by,


Anonymous said...

Hey Wade!

Congratulations on the new little one on the way! Welcome to the world of parenthood! It is absolutely the best thing in the will really change yourlife! My husband and I had our sweet little boy Zachariah 19 months ago! So enjoy the goes way tooo fast! I hope you are well... my mom said she ran into you a few months ago in Lewisville with my dad @ a church?! Anyways.. wish you the best! Email me and we can catch up...Do you hear from Eric Ogle, Jeremy Paul, or Joy Rose at all?!
Roxana Korsten

Wade said...

Hey Roxana,

Great to hear from you! I hope you're doing well. I got a chance to talk with your parents not too long ago when they visited Vista Ridge. We're excited about the baby! Kelly and I have been married over 7 years so this has been a long time coming - at least that's what our parents kept telling us.

Eric is a special ed teacher in Irving. Jeremy and his family live in Keller - I just heard from him last week. Joy, um . . couldn't tell ya'!

Thanks for stopping by,
