The local sports radio station here is
KTCK The Ticket, thier Noon-3 show is called BaD Radio with hosts
Dan - hence the name.
A weekly bit of BaD Radio is called 'Gay or Not Gay'. This is where Bob and Dad read emails from listeners and judge whether some of the things that guys do lack the required amount of manliness in order to remain
'not gay', as they put it.
Not too long ago I found myself in a questionable situation involving a diaper bag and wondered if my manliness was being called into question. So I emailed BaD Radio . . . and my email was read on the air today.
Click here to hear what they had to say.
But before you do, let me make just a few points of my own:
1. The first guy you hear talking is Bob. Bob calling me long-winded is like the pot calling the kettle black. That being said, I have noticed that I've been using a liberal word count lately so I'll try to shorten things down a bit in the future.
2. In paraphrasing my email, Bob gets the story wrong. You'll know exactly when because you'll hear me yell,
"No!" in the background - I made the recording using my voice recorder while sitting in my car. What Bob left out was that I was showing off my diaper bag to my friend who is expecting
twins; thus in the market for a diaper bag himself.
3. My question was, "Is it gay to suggest a particular manly diaper bag to another expecting father if the bag keeps him from appearing gay by having to carry the frilly, pink diaper bag that his wife would pick out?" Since I don't get a clear answer, feel free to chime in yourself with your thoughts.
4. Click to see the diaper bag in question.
By the way, I feel perfectly manly in saying that I love my diaper bag! It's greatness!
For those of you who are interested, here's my 5 paragraph email to BaD Radio. Yeah, Bob's right - this is long!
"Dear Good-Good’s of BaD Radio,
Your ruling is needed on whether I am in violation of causing gayness on not only myself but on an unsuspecting friend as well.
When my son was born earlier this month I knew that we would soon be venturing out in public with child and diaper bag in tow. Although it’s not gay to be seen with your newborn son, it is gay, however, to be seen carrying the frilly baby diaper bag – particularly if it’s the over-the-shoulder-with-a-pretty-monogram-on-the-side-and-pretty-much-looks-like-an-oversized-purse variety that my wife picked out for herself.
Knowing that I needed to avoid the socially unacceptable situation of being seen carrying said-bag, I googled ‘diaper bags for guys’ and quickly found – it’s a diaper bag made in a messenger bag design (across-the-chest) and marketed to dudes like us, hence the name. It’s a great bag and when I go out I feel like I’m getting away with something since most people don’t even realize it’s packed it with onesies and burp rags.
But here’s where my manliness may have gone astray: Last week my wife and I had a couple over for dinner. Since they are expecting twins, I couldn’t wait until they arrived so I could show my buddy my new diaper bag! Keep in mind, my enthusiasm was just as much with knowing that I would be preventing him from potential future gaiety as it was with bragging about my latest great internet purchase. Although I used phrases such as, “Here’s where you put the diapers and here’s where you put the baby wipes!”, I also said things like, “Here’s where your cell phone or your iPod goes and here’s where your sport drink goes!”
It was at about this time that my buddy and I (both P1’s) looked at each other said, “Gay or not gay!” (but not simultaneously, because that would have been gay!). We obviously realize the tremendous gay-factor associated with being excited about diaper bags, but our question to you is:
Is it gay to suggest a particular diaper bag to another guy if that particular diaper bag keeps him from appearing gay? Surely there’s some kind of ‘gayness-prevention exemption’ in play here."