Sunday, January 28, 2007

National "Throw Out Your Random, Worthless Collection That Does Nothing But Take Up Space And Clutters Up Your Office" Week

I hereby declare the week of January 28th National "Throw Out Your Random, Worthless Collection That Does Nothing But Take Up Space And Clutter Up Your Office" Week!


When I transferred to Stendhal University (Grenoble, France), I started a collection of Coke cans from every country that I had visited. That's gotta be cool, right? Every can looks a little different! Different designs, different languages - but somehow all still tasting the same.

(Yeah, right!)

Sure, pretty cool - until 10 years later when one of the cans leaks nappy-smelling Coke juice all over your shelf! So much for that collection!

But before I throw them all out I thought I'd at least document that I had such a collection (Will first consider offers from Coca-Cola product collectors!)

Here's where I got the cans from (starting from left to right):

1. Czech Republic - The Land of Strzinek's!

2. Belgium

3. Brazil - Actually, I've never been to Brazil. Bert & Paige brought this back for me when they went to visit his brothers there.)

4. Germany - That can is half a liter!

5. Italy

6. Austria

7. France

8. Brazil again

9. Mexico - My latest addition

10. Abilene, Texas - Although some would say that west Texas is a country unto itself, this Dr. Pepper can actually made my collection because it commemorates Abilene Christian University's Centennial Year 1906-2006.

There you have it. Collector items one day - recycle bin fodder the next.

Make the most of this week and tell me about your random collection of clutter that you're about to throw out!


B-Mom said...

Had to comment on Larry's random collection of "Golf Tips." For years he clipped all these golf tips and I finally compiled them into a file rather than his "stuffed and overflowing desk drawer." When we moved to our new home last March I told him I was going to perge the file (sounds better than "throw out"). He cried like a baby and said, he would actually use them some day. Ha! Well, I relented and let them stay. One month later I picked up a new client, GolFitness, Inc. and one of the things they wanted was for me to provide a monthly golf tip for their good thing I didn't throw those out afterall. That is now Larry's favorite, "I told you so" story also! Good luck on getting rid of your collection!


Laura Scott said...

I believe your downfall in this collection was you chose cans instead of glass bottles :) My family actually has a diet coke collection with one from when we lived in Dubai (United Arab Emirates). It's a shame your getting rid of it! I collect shot glasses, but they are all boxed up. I don't use them, just found that they tend to be a cheap memory of the places I've been and they don't take up much space.

Anonymous said...

I have an extensive collection of holes in my underwear. My collection keeps leaking as well. So, I guess I'll buck up and throw them out. You have inspired me!

Shannon said...

Are all of those Diet Coke cans? Did Kelly make you collect them? :)

I don't think I have any random collections of clutter, all of it is "decorative"...Brad might think otherwise!

Wade said...

Hey B-Mom,

You may have to let Larry have that 'I told you so' story! Besides, it's not very often us guys get those!

You should post your golf tips on your blog as well!

Hey Laura,

You're right. Surprisingly, the can should not be billed at the long term container device.

It's also kinda wierd that one of the cans has nothing in it even though I never opened it.

I geuss David Copperfield drank that one!

A can from Dubai should be pretty cool!

Hey Anon, (Brad my guess)

Question: Is your underwear collection 10 years old?

If so, (1) TMI. (2) You're cheap. (3) You're gross. (4) Try eating less Tex-Mex. (5) If this is the condition your underwear is in then go ahead and replace your socks as well. (6) I'm glad I inspired you.

Hey Shannon,

Funny you should mention Kelly.

She reminded me that I orginally started the collection for her (remember the Turtle Cove kitchen she had at the time I was in France? All Coca-Cola products.)

So yeah, they're all Diet Coke because the collection is 'technically' hers.

Thanks all for stopping by,