Thursday, January 25, 2007

What to do? What to do?

For those of you who don't know Keri, she has been ordered to bed-rest while waiting for her little one to arrive (hopefully any day now).

Eventhough her doctor gave her a couple hours of free time each day, I thought I'd come up with a list of things she could do when she has to stay in bed.

Feel free to add to my list!

1. Force Gracelyn & Cameron put on daily puppet shows at the foot of your bed.

2. Use pages torn from magazines you've read 12 times already and learn how to fold origami.

3. Use the wadded-up origami-failures to shoot baskets into your trash bin.

4. Keep calling your friends and ask, "So . . . uh . . . what are you doing now?"

5. Turn on your ceiling fan and see if you can keep your eye on just one blade as it spins around . . . but be careful, this could induce labor!

6. Practice how you are going to lecture to your child when he gets older about all that you had to do to bring him into this world.

7. Try to figure out why in the world anybody would want to play Sudoku.

8. Watch a re-play of President Bush's State of the Union Address and count how many times he mispronounces America by saying 'Amurica'.

9. Re-discover your love of being somewhere other than inside your house.

10. Watch this video . . .

Hang in there, Keri! You can do it!


Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

I have seen him before on T.V. He is funny.

Keri said...

I have done numbers 4, 6 and 9 just about every day for the past 16 days. HA HA HA. Cameron will be making a one day trip on Friday over to NM to get a car and he should only be gone around 10 hours. That is a sure fire way to go into labor in my book. Your husband no where around to drive you to the hospital. Some might think how insensitive of him. I know he needs to get away to save his sanity!! Plus anything to bring on labor at this point is good.
Take care and I will explore your other suggestions.

Wade said...

Hey Russ,

I've actually heard him on The Ticket (sport radio that I listen to) several times before I ever saw him on TV. Every time he rolls through D/FW, The Ticket has him on.

Funny indeed!

Hey Keri,

Driving 10 hours out of town should have been the first thing he did - it's sure to bring about a delivery!

Let me know if you need any other ideas.