Sunday, March 18, 2007

QOTW: Back To The Future?

We spend half our time wondering and worrying about the future and the other half trying to preserve, change or run away from our past.

(I'll skip the obvious 'live in the moment' comments that are usually inserted here.)

But what if we really could either see the future or change our past? Which would you choose?

If you consider yourself a forward thinker, what in the future would you want to see? Do you care to know who'll be our next president? Do you want to see what your grandkids look will like? Or perhaps you're thinking about putting a little money down on this year's NBA finals - hey, it ain't gambling if there's no risk, right?

For those of us who have a love-hate relationship with our past (all of us?), being able to do a little tweaking here or there probably sounds good, too.

Wouldn't it be nice to skip through our past and click an 'Undo' button when needed? There are a few instances where I'd love to be able to take back something I said to Kelly - those little snide remarks or 'a-little-too-quick' comebacks that I actually regretted saying as I was saying them.

Then you have those moments when you wish you had picked whatever was behind Door #2 instead. For instance, I've told you that I wish I had spent 6 years studying Spanish instead of French - speaking La Langue D'Amour doesn't do you much good en Tejas del Norte.

But before you go around rewriting history, you have to heed the warnings of Dr. Emmet L. Brown in Back to the Future - the paradox of changing the past is that there are unknown consequences in the future.

For example, let's say I chose to study Spanish in High School instead of French:

- Let's assume that I do not enjoy studying Spanish as much as I did French.

- Therefore, I do not become an International Business Major at ACU.

- So instead of studying in France in Spring 1997, I stay in Abilene.

- Kelly and I go on a date and I say something stupid (see comments above) and she rightfully breaks up with me.

- We don't get married and we don't have Tate (gasp!).

So as you can see, Tate is here because I chose to study French in High School!

I think I'll leave my past just the way it is!

Now, if I can only get a good handle on who's gonna win the NCAA Basketball Tournament!________________________________________________

"Would you rather be able to see the future or change the past?"

Total votes: 14

See the future: 6 votes, 42%

Change the past: 8 votes, 57%

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