Sunday, March 25, 2007

QOTW: Zzzzzzzzzz . . . .

I'm one of those who holds sleep as one of the most precious and important things we do all day.

However, I have found that the mid-night feedings and diaper changes are quite tolerable when my son gives me one of those wide-eyed gummy grins from behind his pacifier! Sometimes when its really dark the only way I know his smiling at me is by the squint in this eye.

It's moments like those that make me think, "OK kid, I'm glad you dragged me out of bed after all."

"Would you go without sleep if your body's physiological need for rest was no longer needed?"

Total votes: 16

Only if I could still sleep if I just wanted to: 7 votes, 43%

Yes, there would be so much I could do with the extra time!: 6 votes, 37%

I dunno: 2 votes, 12%

No, sleeping is my favorite thing to do!: 1 vote, 6%

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