Thursday, March 08, 2007

Top Ten Signs You've Seen the ‘Star Wars' Movies Too Many Times

(Courtesy of David Letterman - although I had to change a few to keep a PG rating.)

10. Your poodles are named "C," "3," "P" and "O."

9. You won’t help out around the house unless your wife says, "Help me, Obi Wan, you're my only hope."

8. You spent $10,000 trying to Rogaine yourself into Chewbacca.

7. You're continually stunned when the President makes major decisions without consulting Mark Hamill.

6. Just as you sit down to watch Episode V for the 86th time you ask yourself, “Why don’t I have something better to do?”

5. You keep referring to your lawn mower as "that crazy droid."

4. You spend most of your days trying to use "the Force" to open a can of pears.

3. You once saw an eggplant that looked kind of like Darth Vader and almost had a heart attack.

2. You constantly fear being attacked by a roving gang of Trekkies.

1. You like Yoda so much, you voted for Ross Perot in the ’92 Presidential Election.


Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

Now that is just too funny! I love Star Wars, did you ever come to Gunnar's Star Wars party when we were kids? I was princess lea and we had a real live Darth Vador there.

Wade said...

Hey Suz,

Actually, no - that appears to be yet another birthday party nobody told me about! Let me guess, the invitation got lost in the mail, right?

Ha! Just kidding!

Darth Vader, huh? Wow! That sure beats my birthday party. I got stuck with Nimrod the Clown!

Thanks for stopping by,


tara said...

So would I fall into this category if I am planning a Star Wars themed party for Scout?

Wade said...

Hey Tara,

Actually, no! Planning a Star Wars birthday party is what every responsible parent should do.

This will most likely be his most favorite birthday in the history of ever!