Sunday, July 29, 2007

QOTW: (Sniff, Sniff) Is That You Or Me?

Seriously? 63% of you would go the entire summer without deoderant for $25K?

Speaking as one who sweats like a banshee, I find everyone's willingness to "raise your hand" quite surprising!

(Name that deoderant commercial - 'Raise your hand! Rasie your hand if you're _____!)

I realize $25K is a lot of money but is it really worth it? Especially since you can't tell people why your own dog is too embarrassed to be seen (or smelt) with you.

Me thinks full consideration wasn't given to the laundry list of problems with going sans underarm protection.

Such as:

1. Your boss having to tell you that your natural body aroma isn't as sweet as you thought it was.

2. You keep getting emails from the local hyperhidrosis support group - a group for those sufforing from a medical condition characterized by excessive sweating.

3. You go way over-budget on your monthly perfume/cologne expenses. (But I guess it doesn't matter since you're about to get $25K, right?)

4. Your friends allow you over for dinner only if you duct tape lemon wedges under your arms.

5. Al Gore references your arm pits as examples of global warming.

I'm sure you'd all spend your deoderant-less summer dreaming about how you would spend your $$$ - my recommendation would be to first replace your entire wardrobe!

Or is that why you would agree to such a stunt in the first place?

"Would you go an entire summer without wearing deoderant for $25,000? (You can't tell people why!)"

Total votes: 22

Sign me up!: 63% (14 votes)

A summer in the Artic Circle maybe: 22% (5 votes)

Not worth it!: 13% (3 votes)


Phylemon said...

Ah, but that is the joy of being a teacher, Wade. If I wanted, I could spend a whole summer stinky on my couch without ever having to interact with another human being except Jennifer, who would surely understand (right, dear?). Of course, I'd have to replace the couch, but that's a minor issue with $25K.

Wade said...

Not bad!

But I would have to think that the Leadership Meetings would be a bit awkward!

Thanks for stopping by,


Jody said...

Hey Wade - Great QOTW. I love hypotheticals. I'll admit...I was one of the 66%. $25,000 worth of diapers and formula would at least get us to the end of the year!

Laura Scott said...

Okay Wade,
Are you kidding me!!! Being married to a coach and being a stay at home mom....$25,000 is winning the lottery!!!! And anyway...all you have to do for the summer is get on one of those raw diets. I think you don't stink if you do that. So, I wouldn't stink, I would lose weight, and I could go shopping for my new figure at the end of the summer!

Chris and Sarah said...

I would definitely do it for $25,000. I would do it for $250, and I might even do it for $25.

Shannon said...

I'm with Laura here. Being a coach's wife and stay at home mommy as well, that is TONS of money in the bank!

I said I would do it because you can always try to hide your stinkiness with some great smelling lotion, perfume, lysol, pine sol...hey, whatever works!

Anonymous said...

For 25K - yes, of course :-)
But I would probably go and take a shower each hour...

Chris and Sarah said...

Hey Wade, I know we've only met briefly when you guys were visiting Shannon. But I hope you realize that the above comment was from CHRIS. He actually would probably even do it for free just to get a reaction out of people. :-)

Wade said...

Hey All,

I can definitely see your point(s). I just wonder if this is one of those things that sounds easy from the get-go but then half-way through you realize it's not as easy as just sequestering yourself indoors for 90 days.

Remember, you can't tell anybody why you stink! Which means after 10 minutes of yukking it up with friends after church they'll spend 10 minutes yucking it up in the church bathroom because you reek of sasquatch!

Hey Sarah,

Thanks for the heads-up!


Hey Chris,

$25, huh? You're on!

Thanks all for stopping by,